Sunday, October 16, 2011

9 Month Max

So Max is 9 months today. Can't quite believe we will be celebrating his first birthday so soon...He has two bottom teeth and just broke ground on the two top teeth. Drool central. Pretty sure Max is going to be walking any day now. 4 days ago he pulled himself on some step stairs that we have and proceeded to push them all the way across the kitchen walking. He is experimenting with letting go of whatever he is holding on to and just seeing how long he can remain standing. Today he suddenly discovered how to navigate stairs. It was like he's alwyas known how. And maybe his bigget accomplishment thus far....he started sleeping through the night Wednesday night. It has been great. I had started to not let him nurse at night and only give him a bottle to keep him in his crib and I wonder if maybe he just decided that wasn't worth waking up for. Who knows. But he is sleeping great. Now to get him potty trained.....

Oh did i mention how fussy he has gotten? This is what he looks like more often than not lately.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

I swear he gets cuter by the day!