Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Max Jumps the Fence

So I've been wondering what to share since I'm horrible at taking pictures and keeping things updated. There have been hints dropped that Max is no longer containable. We now have to lock the doors to the outside or Max is MIA in 10 seconds. He has since escaped from teh bathtub after I thought he was entombed. But tonight Max decided he needed to do something so audacious that I would have to post it. So I put Max in his crib while I picked up the room and then I hear a 'plunk' on the ground and I look over and Max is standing on the ground like nobodies business. So I didn't believe it. I mean who just up and decides bars can't hold you right? So I put him back in the crib and laid on the bed to see if he would boldly attempt to go where no not-yet-14 month old should go....The proof is in the certified, undoctored footage below.


MelissaS said...

Ha. Elijah did the same thing. Is the crib mattress as low as it can go? We had to move Elijah's mattress to the floor? Good luck!

Stephanie said...

That is crazy, he is so young!! Watch out for that kid- he is so daring. Clark and Gordon are loving it, they want to watch it over and over. However, I will not be showing that video to Evelyn :)

Lindsey said...

Scary for you, but that is without a doubt the cutest thing I've seen in a while!

Anonymous said...

agree about lowering the mattress -- good luck with your monkey :D