Sunday, December 5, 2010

34 weeks...

So I think I took these pictures at 34 weeks....which was last week. Things are going great. Getting uncomfortable after I eat and definitely more tired in the evening. Trying to keep up the motivation to get stuff done around the house but mostly don't want to. I got to go to Alabama for Thanksgiving and see my 1-week old niece and it helped alot to talk to my sister-in-law and mom about how they handled pregnancy and birth. I - cross your fingers - think i will be more like them than most of the people i've spoken with. Which is to say instead of freaking out and thinking everything is going to be horribly painful and dramatic, I know there are those out there that handle it well. Not to say the drama queens don't. i'm just saying. But I reserve all rights to whatever the hell i want when the time comes. Just saying.

1 comment:

Sarah Ray said...

Hey Karyn! Steph's sister Sarah, not sure if you remember me... but I just wanted to say CONGRATS on the future rugrat! You are going to LOVE being a mom, and I'm pretty sure you are going to be great at it. :) Hope to see you guys soon!