Sunday, July 17, 2011

You know what time it is....6 Month Max!!

Max is freaking awesome. We have about a week of him sleeping through the night (which means he wakes up once but goes back to sleep within 10 minutes), he is eating oatmeal, squash, carrots and today bananas. He loves to stand up and now puts himself on all fours. I think he is deliberating the benefits of crawling. Like his mother, he needs to think it all through first. As my blog title says, I really feel like I'm just stumbling through this whole mother-hood thing, but Max makes it easy on me. I"m grateful for all those out there that shares their knowledge and experiences with me. Maybe I make it sound great because I don't write about how fussy or curious (Erick says impertinent) that Max is. He can be all of that. But I think talking about how awesome people are helps us remember just that. I think that is my mother soap box. Kids are hard. Thats a given. Lets hear what makes them great. Random random thought.

This is Max somehow slipping between the beds (this has never happened when I'm home)

Don't think the Fat Cats staff thought this was as cute as I did...


Marissa said...

He is a super cutie! It looks like you are doing a great job. No worries...I knew you would!

Brady and Jess said...

What a sweetie...I haven't see him in forever!!!! what the deuce!!!