Friday, March 13, 2009

So I haven't updated on my new talent as a hairdresser (yes I"m makign all these blogs on the same day) I really wish I had taken pictures of me foiling my hair, but I figured if Stephanie can do it, then I could give it a whirl. (Not that you're not amazing Stephanie). I'm going to outline this so we can either praise my brilliance or shiver at my lunacy. So I got buy a mahogany brown (Becca did this last time) with a 20 developer? Maybe I used the 30 developer for that.....I know I bought 2 little bottles, one of each developer. Then I bought MAGENTA, especially for dark hair. I bought 2 brushes, a bowl ( yes just one, dumb huh). Then I tore up strips of foil when i got home because seriously I did NOT need 500 sheets for 13.65. Anyways. Then I start separating hair - MAN i really wish I had taken pics of that. Anyways. Maybe we can see from these pics, but it turned out pretty cool. However, I think its very revealing of the environments I'm in when I go to the office and all I get is ' Ooooh red, that is interesting', 'That is bold girly, you're more gutsy than I am'. HELLLLO it looks awesome!! And then I go down to the lobby at work and a client with black fingernails says 'OH MY GOSH I love your hair!'. Yes that is how fabulous it is.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I love it!! And you did a much better job than I did. I am glad that it showed up unlike the last time we tried!